US Work Programs.
We have developed and grown the H2 Work VISA program since its introduction to Mongolia, throughout the past 4 years. Since then, we have built and sustained relationships with, and successfully managed+executed recruitment efforts for over 20+ companies.
This initiative has been the source of progress for dozens of small business owners in Mongolia and has brought in millions of USD in income for families from over 14 different provinces.
Cultural Initiatives.
Eleven Eleven Studio is an up-and-coming music production company that specializes in music/video production, international collaborations, and supporting Mongolian star talent in their journey in reaching the global stage.
Our YouTube channel currently has over 16M collective views and we have aims to grow our network of talented artists, producers, and industry leaders throughout the next 6 months.
Along with our works in music production, we are focused on growing opportunities available to emerging artists, painters, sculptors, and performers.
Through our strong ties with the business community in Mongolia, we work to strengthen and develop the needed cultural adaptation and product development needed for many domestic brands within Mongolia.
In doing so, we seek to create sustainable partnerships with international distributors, sales professionals, and consultants who have a keen interest in selling, eco-friendly, organic, handmade products and designs from Mongolia. These include Cashmere, Wool goods (In accordance with America's bipartisan 3rd Neighbor Act), brands from unique stylists and designers, and handmade crafts & goods from the hundreds of small, self-employed crafters based out of Mongolia.
J1 Exchange Programs.
Starting from 2021, we have focused on building long-term, open pathways with various high school exchange, intern, and summer work & travel programs.
We aim to make these programs more accessible to low-income families, and select-students who do not have the necessary resources to participate.
We plan to launch further recruitment partnerships with agencies in Central and South America by early Spring 2022.
Medical Tourism.
We are actively searching for international partners to develop and promote Mongolia's Tourism Industry. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, one of Mongolia's most crucial economic sectors; tourism has been disrupted, causing economic difficulties in many rural areas of Mongolia. We hope to build and renew the pathways for tourists and tour operators, with an innovative approach to promoting the health benefits of tourism in Mongolia. We are currently developing tours that focus on tech detox, spiritual healing, and rehabilitation.
SME Development Program.
Through our focus on developing sustainable pathways for growth and development, we provide Small Medium Enterprise Development Services that aim to strengthen the business operations and strategies of small businesses, and businesses that wish to grow-develop in the US Market.
There are countless business persons in Mongolia who offer services and goods that can be of value to society in America. So we believe that with strong systematic approaches to market entry and retrospective, business infrastructure development, Mongolian business owners in Mongolia and the US will be able to prosper and evolve over the next century.